Say Goodbye to Scratches: 5 Powerful Methods for Removing Laptop Scratches

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5 methods for removing scratches from your laptop include using toothpaste, baking soda, petroleum jelly, erasers, or a scratch repair kit. Scratches on your laptop can be unsightly and affect the overall performance of your device.

Fortunately, there are several DIY methods you can try before resorting to professional help. By following these simple solutions, you can effectively remove scratches and restore your laptop’s appearance and functionality. Whether you have minor or deep scratches, these methods can be applied to various laptop surfaces, including metal, plastic, or glass.

So, before considering an expensive repair or replacement, give these methods a try and give your laptop a new lease on life.

Say Goodbye to Scratches: 5 Powerful Methods for Removing Laptop Blemishes
Say Goodbye to Scratches: 5 Powerful Methods for Removing Laptop Scratches 4


1. Identify The Scratch

Scratches on your laptop can be frustrating, but there are several methods to remove them. Identifying the type of scratch is crucial as it determines the appropriate approach for removal. There are different types of laptop scratches, such as surface-level scratches, deep scratches, and screen scratches.

To determine the severity of the scratch, examine its depth and visibility. Light surface-level scratches can often be buffed out using a microfiber cloth and a non-abrasive cleaning solution. Deeper scratches may require using a scratch repair kit, which typically includes a solution and a microfiber cloth.

For screen scratches, it is recommended to consult a professional technician or replace the screen altogether. Whatever method you choose, remember to be gentle and follow the instructions carefully to avoid further damage to your laptop.

2. Method 1: Cleaning Solutions

Method 1 of removing scratches from your laptop involves using the right cleaning solutions. It is important to choose the appropriate cleaning solution to avoid causing further damage to your laptop. To start the process, gather the necessary materials, including a microfiber cloth and the chosen cleaning solution.

Next, prepare the cleaning solution according to the instructions provided. Apply a small amount of the solution to the scratch and gently wipe away any excess. Be careful not to apply too much pressure or scrub too harshly, as this could cause more harm to your laptop.

If the scratch is still visible, repeat the process until the scratch is less noticeable. Keep in mind that different types of laptop materials may require specific cleaning solutions. Be sure to research and use the best cleaning solution for your laptop’s material to achieve the best results.

3. Method 2: Toothpaste Trick

Toothpaste is an effective remedy for laptop scratches. It is important to select the right type of toothpaste. Begin by cleaning the laptop surface. Then, apply a small amount of toothpaste onto the scratch. Rub the toothpaste gently into the scratch using circular motions.

Afterward, wipe away the excess toothpaste with a soft cloth. If the scratch is still visible, repeat the process. This method works because the toothpaste’s abrasive properties help to buff out the scratch. Remember to choose a toothpaste without any harsh additives or gels, as these may cause further damage to the laptop.

4. Method 3: Baking Soda Paste

Baking soda paste is an effective method for removing scratches from your laptop. This method works by mixing baking soda with water to create a paste. First, clean the surface of your laptop to ensure there is no dirt or debris.

Then, create a paste by mixing baking soda and water together. Apply the paste to the scratch and gently rub it into the area. Wipe away any residue left from the paste. Repeat these steps as necessary until the scratch is no longer visible.

Baking soda paste is a cost-effective and easy solution to restore the appearance of your laptop.

5. Method 4: Petroleum Jelly

Petroleum jelly is an effective method for removing scratches from your laptop. Before applying the jelly, make sure to clean the laptop surface thoroughly. Only a small amount of jelly is needed on the scratch. Gently rub the jelly into the scratch using a soft cloth.

Once done, wipe away any excess jelly from the surface. If necessary, repeat the process. Petroleum jelly can help minimize the appearance of scratches and restore the laptop’s original shine. It is a quick and easy method that can be done at home without professional help.

With these simple steps, you can effectively remove scratches from your laptop using petroleum jelly.

6. Method 5: Scratch Repair Kits

Scratch repair kits are a popular method for removing scratches from laptops. These kits work by providing a solution or filler that can be applied directly to the scratch. To use a kit, start by cleaning the laptop surface thoroughly.

Then, carefully apply the repair solution or filler to the scratch, making sure to smooth and blend it into the surrounding area. Allow the repair to dry or cure according to the instructions provided. Once the repair is dry, you can polish and buff the area to further blend it with the rest of the laptop surface.

Scratch repair kits offer a convenient and effective solution for dealing with minor scratches on your laptop, restoring its appearance and maintaining its overall value.

Frequently Asked Questions On 5 Methods For Removing Scratches From Your Laptop

How Do You Remove Scratches From Laptop?

To remove scratches from a laptop, gently apply a scratch remover or toothpaste with a microfiber cloth in a circular motion.

How Do You Remove Scratches From A Laptop With Toothpaste?

To remove laptop scratches with toothpaste, apply a small amount to the scratched area and gently rub in circular motions.

What Is The Best Way To Remove Scratches?

To remove scratches, the best way is to use a scratch removal product specifically designed for the material.

How Do You Remove Scratches From A Device?

To remove scratches from a device, use a microfiber cloth and apply a small amount of toothpaste in circular motions on the scratch.


Your laptop is prone to scratches, but don’t fret – there are multiple methods that can help you remove these blemishes. Whether you opt for toothpaste, baking soda, erasers, or professional scratch kits, each method offers its own unique benefits.

Toothpaste, for example, is easy to find and can effectively reduce the visibility of scratches. Baking soda, on the other hand, proves to be a versatile and budget-friendly alternative. Erasers can be used for minor scratches, while scratch kits designed for laptops provide a comprehensive solution.

Remember to choose the method that aligns with the depth and severity of the scratches on your laptop. By following these methods and being diligent in your efforts, your laptop can regain its former flawless appearance. Protect your investment and ensure the longevity of your laptop by addressing scratches as soon as they occur.